This post is all about the best bridal shower checklist.

Over the years, I’ve had the honor of throwing several bridal showers. Each one brought with it its lessons and challenges.
In this post, you’ll find the perfect bridal shower checklist to ensure that you have all your bases covered, from the moment you find out you’re hosting a bridal shower to the end.
Be sure to download your free printable bridal shower checklist below to use for the next bridal shower you are throwing.
Your Complete Bridal Shower Checklist From Beginning To End
2 To 3 Months Before The Bridal Shower
- Set a budget.
Deciding on a shower budget is step one because everything you choose from there on will need to fit within the budget.
- Pick a date and time for the shower.
Check with the bride on what dates and times she would like to have her shower. You will need this information before finding a location.
- Determine the guest list and get all contact information from the bride.
- Contact out-of-town guests via email or phone once you have a date and time selected.
This is always helpful to those out-of-town guests so that they have a longer period to make travel arrangements.
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- Talk to the bride about what type of shower she wants.
A bridal shower is all about the bride. You want to make sure that she is going to have the bridal shower she’s always dreamed of.
Printable Bridal Shower Checklist
- Select a bridal shower theme or color scheme.
Once you know what type of shower the bride wants, you can select a theme or color scheme with her. If she says she wants to be surprised, I’ve found it helpful to check with the bridal party to come up with creative ideas that will best suit the bride.
If you are looking for bridal shower themes and color schemes we share several great ideas in this post.
RELATED: How To Plan A Bridal Shower She Will Love
- Decide on bridal shower location.
If you going to be reserving a venue, you often will need to reserve this well in advance depending on what venue you choose.
- Hire a photographer.
If you will be using a photographer at the shower, you will need to book them in advance.
RELATED: 15 Insanely Awesome Bachelorette Party Themes
- Delegate tasks to be done if you are hosting the shower with others.
If you are getting help from others, this is the time to delegate out any DIY projects.
- Select and order the invitations.
Once you have the date, time, location, and theme of the shower it’s time to order the invites. Depending on where you order your invitations from it can take several weeks for them to arrive. So you want to allow for plenty of time.
4 To 6 Weeks Before The Bridal Shower
- Mail out the invitations.
In the invitations, be sure to include directions to the shower and the gift registry.
- Plan the menu and get the food ordered.
Order the food well in advance. Depending on where you are ordering food from they may ask for a certain amount of time before the event to have everything ready. Get this information early so you can be prepared.
- Choose a caterer (if you are using one) and get them reserved.
- Select games and activities.
Decide on what bridal shower games, ice breakers, activities, etc you will be doing at the shower. A date night jar is always a fun bridal shower activity. If something needs to be ordered in advance for the activities, be sure to order it.
RELATED: 75 Genius Date Night Jar Ideas You’ll Love
- Finalize decoration ideas and order them.
1 Month Before The Bridal Shower
- Buy what you need for serving the food.
Purchase anything necessary for serving the food. This includes plates, napkins, utensils, etc.
- Check-in with anyone who is helping to coordinate anything for the shower and make sure that all is on track.
This could be someone doing DIY projects for the shower or someone helping with food or decorations.
- Buy your gift for the bride.
2 to 3 Weeks Before The Bridal Shower
- Follow up with any RSVPs that you have not heard from.
Call anyone whom you have not received an RSVP and find out whether or not they will be attending the shower.
- Finalize the headcount.
- Confirm with the venue and caterer (if you’re using one).
- Delegate responsibilities for the day of the shower.
You may have members of the bridal party helping with food, the gift table, games, activities, etc. It’s important to make sure that everyone knows what their role is during the shower. This makes everything run more smoothly on the day of.
- Decide on what you will be wearing to the shower.
Selecting your outfit ahead of time makes it easier to solely focus on the shower, especially as the date gets closer. You don’t want to be faced with a last-minute wardrobe decision with everything else going on.
- Pick up anything extra you might need.
This could be extra decorations, props, games, etc.
1 Week Before The Bridal Shower
- Put together party favors.
If you are putting together little goody bags or little baskets for your guests, this is the time to do so.
- Purchase any food items that are needed.
Buy any food items that have a longer shelf life. This will save you time as it gets closer to the date of the shower.
- Finalize the layout of the bridal shower.
Decide on what the final setup is going to look like. This includes the gift table, food station, photo booth, and any other areas you have for the shower.
- Create a playlist.
Put together a lovely playlist of music that the bride will love that will fit the shower as well.
1 Day Before The Bridal Shower
- Prep the location of the bridal shower.
If it is at someone’s home, this would include cleaning and possibly reorganizing furniture to fit the layout of the shower.
- Prepare the food.
- Pick up balloons, flowers, ice, etc.
- Set up the room with plates, napkins, utensils, etc.
Put out anything that you can ahead of time that won’t fall or spoil. You can lay out the table cloths, set out napkins, plates, cups, etc.
- Set up the gift table.
- Check-in with the other hosts/bridal party.
Make sure everyone is ready for the bridal shower, knows what they are doing to help, and is bringing what is needed.
Day Of The Bridal Shower
- Prepare fresh foods.
- Put out the signage for the shower.
- Ensure the venue/house is clean.
- Decorate the location.
- Set up the games and activities.
- Put out the food and drinks.
- Put on the music.
- Keep a list of who gifted what.
Whether it is you or a member of the bridal party, it is helpful to have someone write down who gifted the bride what as she opens her gifts. Doing so will help the bride with her thank yous.
- Enjoy the shower!
I hope that this bridal shower checklist helps to create a smooth bridal shower planning process for you!
The more organized and prepared you can be, the easier throwing a bridal shower becomes.
This post was all about the best bridal shower checklist.
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- How To Plan A Bridal Shower She Will Love
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