If you are ready for a date night consisting of romance and relaxation you will love this spa date night!

This spa date night will give you and your sweetie time to unwind, relax, and be intimate together in the privacy of your own home.
In this post, we’ve included all you will need to create a romantic spa date night at home.
Everything from aromatherapy, essential oils, massage, food, and ambiance, we are sharing our best tips and tricks!
This post is all about a spa date night.
How To Create A Romantic Spa Date Night At Home
If you’ve ever had the pleasure of receiving a professional massage or facial treatment you know just how much of a treat this spa date night will be.
Unwind with your sweetie as you enjoy an evening or afternoon 😉 filled with relaxation and romance!
In this guide we will include:
- How Do You Do A Spa Date Night?
- What Should You Get For A Spa Date Night?
- Spa Date Night Kit Essentials
- How To Create A Spa Date Night Atmosphere
- Massage Tips
- Best Food And Drink For A Spa Night At Home
How Do You Do A Spa Date Night?
Having a spa night at home is actually easier than it sounds and we are going to walk you through what to do set by step.
What Should You Get For A Spa Date Night?
To have a spa night at home you do need to get a few items to prepare and make your spa date night one that you both will love and always remember.
Plus, once you have these items on hand you can repeat this date night over and over again. And after you’ve done this date once you will want to do it again!
What you need for a spa night:
- Massage Oil
- Essential Oils
- Essential Oil Diffuser
- Facial Mask
- Towels
- Candles
- Shower Steamers
- Food And Drinks
- Salt Rock Lamp
Spa Date Night Kit Essentials
Massage oil works wonders for a spa date night. Find one with a lovely scent that feels great on your skin.
Lavender Essential Oil is our go-to for a spa night. There are a variety of different essential oils that you can choose from but lavender is our favorite.
Lavender is a calming and relaxing scent and it is used in several spas.
Essential oil diffusers work by emitting essential oils into the air, they work wonders for relieving stress and helping with relaxation. They are the perfect addition to any spa night.
If you already have a face mask that you enjoy using, use it for your spa date. If not, there are several different face masks available.
I suggest doing a little bit of googling to see what is best for your specific skin type and goals when it comes to finding a good face mask.
There is no one size fits all facial mask. Skincare is such an individual thing.
Couple’s Spa Kit
When you go to the spa they always have super comfy towels. That’s why we recommend purchasing spa towels to use just for your spa date.
You won’t regret it! We keep our spa towels separate from the rest of our bath towels. That way they are a special treat for us to use when we do a spa night!
These are the tea lights that we use and love. They are easy to set up to create a romantic atmosphere.
I love having these on hand and we use them for a variety of different date nights.
Shower steamers are a real treat and such a great way to add a little something extra to your date night.
There are several excellent scents to choose from which is why we love this variety pack! It will totally help to create that spa experience!
Having a salt rock lamp is not essential but I’m including it on this list as it does create a magical ambiance if you do have one or choose to get one.
Salt rock lamps also have a wide range of healing properties and benefits to them like boosting mood, aiding relaxation, helping with sleep, etc.
How To Create A Spa Date Night Atmosphere
First you need to get the essentials any extras for your spa night.
Make sure to pick up all you need so that you can have everything in place for the date that you choose to have a spa night with your sweetie.

Massage Tips
Decide on what type of massage you and your sweetie will be giving to each other.
I recommend doing this before the date because this will give you both time to look at how to give that type of massage. There are lots of great videos with massage how tos and tips that you can find on YouTube.
Your sweetie will thank you for this! 😉
Best Food And Drink For A Spa Date Night At Home
Prepare the food and drink.
Anytime I’ve ever been to the spa they always have refreshing drinks and snacks.
Typically snacks consist of fresh fruits and nut mixes. There also are a variety of drinks, like tea and cucumber water.
*Sparkle up your date night with some champagne.
You can’t go wrong by including champagne in your spa date night menu. We always fill a bucket with ice to keep the champagne on during our spa nights.
Spa Date Night Ideas
Dim the lights, turn on your salt rock lamp (if you have one), essential oil diffuser, a relaxing playlist, and light the tea lights.
When my hubby and I do a spa night at home, we keep the lights quite low. My favorite way to create a spa-like atmosphere is to use salt rock lamps, essential oils, and tea lights.
Now that you have everything you need and you’ve created the ideal atmosphere for your spa date night, it’s time to enjoy the good stuff!
Begin Your Spa Date Night With A Hot Bath
Begin your spa evening by drawing a relaxing bath for two. You can add in a couple drops of essential oils and bubble bath to create the ultimate bath experience.
As you and your sweetie begin by relaxing in a bath together pour a couple glasses of chilled champagne to enjoy.

The ice bucket makes it easy to keep the champagne next to you while you two soak up the delightfulness of a hot bath together.
If you don’t have a bathtub, no worries.
Begin this spa date night by taking a steamy shower with your sweetie! Place one of your shower steamers on the floor of the shower and take in the relaxing scents.
Starting your spa night in a hot bath or shower is the perfect way to warm up your muscles and prepare your body and mind for further relaxation.
Give Each Other Massages
After your muscles are warmed up and relaxed from your hot shower or bath, pull out the massage oil.
It’s so much better to use massage oil than lotion when doing an at-home spa night.
Using massage oil makes giving the massage much easier and it feels better to the person receiving the massage as well.
Massage oil helps your hands to move with ease along your partner’s skin without pulling.
You want this to be a relaxing experience for both of you and if there is not enough lubrication, massaging can make your skin sore and your hands tire more quickly.

Apply Your Facial Masks
After your massage, you can move on to doing your facial masks.
You’ll want to apply your facial mask after the massage part of your spa date.
That way you can comfortably lie on your back or stomach during the massage and you don’t need to worry about the face mask wiping off.
This is also a great time for more champagne and snacks. You can lie on the bed while you wait for your masks to take full effect and listen to relaxing music or you can put on a movie you both will enjoy.
RELATED: 21 Date Night Movies You Both Will Enjoy
Finish With A Steamy Shower
Conclude your date night by taking a steamy shower for two!
Slip a shower steamer onto the floor of your shower and enjoy the lovely aromatherapy together.
Having a spa night is an incredible way to relax and get romantic with your significant other in the privacy of your own home.
We hope that you and your sweetie can experience a romantic and relaxing date night with this spa date!
This post was all about a spa date night.
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