This is the best He Said She Said bridal shower game! It’s not only entertaining but also allows guests to get to know the couple better!

Looking for the best He Said She Said bridal shower game? You’re in the right place! The hilarious He Said She Said bridal shower game happens to be not only a favorite of ours but also one of the most popular bridal shower games. This is why we’ve been sure to include a FREE printable game in this post for you to use.
He Said She Said Bridal Shower Game
Bridal showers are always a fun way to celebrate the bride-to-be before her wedding day. And playing games at a bridal shower is a great way to break the ice and get everyone at the shower involved and laughing. This He Said She Said bridal game is one of the best fun and interactive games you can play.
What Do You Need To Play The He Said She Said Bridal Shower Game?
- Our FREE printable game. Download the game for free, print it, and enjoy!
- Pens or pencils for your guests to circle their answers.
- Bridal shower game prizes for your winner!
If you’d rather use your own questions than those on the printable – that works as well. We’ve included 50 “He Said She Said” game questions in this post to spark some ideas!
How Do You Play the He Said She Said Bridal Shower Game?
Before the bridal shower, the person hosting the shower will need to put together a series of questions, statements, quotes, or preferences that they will ask the couple. These questions can be anything from their favorite hobbies, foods, or adventures.
The host will then take the answers from the couple and turn them into statements to read aloud at the shower. Each guest must then guess who said what – was it the bride or the groom. The person who has the most correct answers at the end of the game wins a prize.
50 Best He Said She Said Bridal Shower Game Questions
1. Who is the better cook?
2. Who is more of a morning person?
3. Who is more organized?
4. Who said I love you first?
5. Who is more likely to win an argument?
6. Who is more adventurous?
7. Who is more of a homebody?
8. Who is the better driver?
9. Who is more likely to fall asleep during a movie?
10. Who is more tech-savvy?
11. Who is more likely to get lost in a new place?
12. Who has a better sense of direction?
13. Who is the better dancer?
14. Who is more competitive?
15. Who is more athletic?
16. Who is more likely to get a tattoo?
17. Who is more likely to ask for directions?
18. Who is the neat freak?
19. Who is more spontaneous?
20. Who is more likely to be an early bird?
21. Who is more likely to be a night owl?
22. Who is more likely to cry during a sad movie?
23. Who is more likely to do a DIY project?
24. Who is more likely to plan a date night?
25. Who is more likely to forget important dates?
Additional Ideas For He Said She Said Questions

26. Who is better at giving surprises?
27. Who is more likely to enjoy a surprise?
28. Who is more likely to go to a haunted house?
29. Who is more likely to forget something?
30. Who is more likely to be a picky eater?
31. Who is better at remembering names?
32. Who is better at giving compliments?
33. Who is better at making jokes?
34. Who is better at following directions?
35. Who is better at keeping secrets?
36. Who proposed?
37. Who has the better taste in music?
38. Who is more organized?
39. Who is more likely to initiate physical affection?
40. Who is more likely to be on time?
41. Who is more extroverted?
42. Who likes to read more?
43. Who is better at arts and crafts?
44. Who has the better sense of humor?
45. Who is more likely to apologize first?
46. Who is more romantic?
47. Who is more likely to laugh at their own jokes?
48. Who is more likely to watch a romcom?
49. Who is more likely to go to a concert?
50. Who is more likely to throw a party?
Download Your FREE Printable He Said She Said Bridal Shower Game
This FREE printable game is one of our all-time favorite games to play at a bridal shower. Guests will love guessing who! Simply enter in your name, email, and print (as many copies as you need), and enjoy!
He Said She Said Game
The He Said She Said game is a blast to play! It’s a fun and interactive game that helps bridal shower guests get to know the bride and groom a little better.
Whether you choose to use the Free Printable or select from the list of He Said She Said bridal shower game questions – this game is sure to be fun for all!
Free Bridal Shower Games
Looking for additional free bridal shower games? We have several free printable bridal shower games HERE for you to choose from! Everything from Bridal Bingo, Would She Rather, What’s On Your Phone? and more!
This post was all about the He Said She Said bridal shower game.
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